Last updated January 2021
The browsing and use of the site is subject to compliance with the site’s terms of use as set forth (the "Terms of Use"):
"FOX LABS" website is an internet platform that includes information about the technology and innovation activities of Fox-Wizel Ltd. and/or its affiliate (the "Company" and the "Site", respectively).
The use of the Site, including the services offered on the Site (the "Services"), is subject to these Terms of Use.
The use of the Site is subject to and conditional upon the user’s consent to the provisions of these Terms of Use (the "User (s)"). The use of the Site attests to the User’s consent to these Terms of Use. The User warrants and confirms that the Terms of Use of the Site are known to him and he undertakes to act in accordance therewith.
The Company is reserving its right to alter the Terms of Use from time to time, in its exclusive discretion. Any such alteration shall bind the User from the moment the revised terms of use are published on the Site. The User acknowledges that the Terms of Use shall be revised from time to time and shall bind him from the moment of their revision.
The Terms of Use are worded in the masculine for convenience purposes only and they include men and women as one.
FOX LABS Services:
The Site allows Users who are entrepreneurs to apply an application to enter "FOX LABS" to receive various services which can include project support, feasibility study, pilots and\or capital investments (hereinafter: "FOX LABS Services").
The Company invites Users with projects in various fields, to submit an application, which will be reviewed by the Company and\or any one of its behalf for the purpose of examining the possibility of receiving FOX LABS Services (the "Application").
As part of the Application, Users will be asked to provide information about their project that they would like to be examined by the Company for the purpose of receiving FOX LABS Services, such as: project description, project stages, competitors, brand promise and any additional information required by the Company from time to time.
The submission of the Application is free of charge. The Company may request consideration from Users for the part and/or all of FOX LABS Services at its sole discretion and in such case, it will obtain the prior written consent of the User.
The Company may contact the User who submitted the Application for receiving additional information, data and documents for the examination of the Application.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the Company has exclusive discretion in connection with the decision to provide FOX LABS Services to any User. If the Company is not interested in providing any of FOX LABS Services, it does not need to give any reasons or details or inform the User and/or anyone on its behalf of such decision.
The Company may, at its discretion, sign the Users, whose Application for FOX LABS services is examined and/or approved by it, on a document and/or agreement and condition the provision of the FOX LABS Services and/or their examination by signing such document or agreement.
As part of the examination of the Application, the Company may perform additional checks on its behalf to examine the feasibility of the project.
The User who submits an Application undertakes that all the information he will provide in the Application is correct, accurate and up-to-date. To the extent that there is an update with the information provided, the User undertakes to update the Company in writing with no delay. To the extent that the User provided incorrect information, the Company may decline the Application and/or terminate the FOX LABS Services and/or any agreement with the User without detracting from any other remedy due to it by law.
The User understands that all information, data, text, links other materials that he provides to the Company in connection with the FOX LABS Services are the sole responsibility of the User.
The decision to submit an Application and/or receiving FOX LABS Services is at the sole discretion of the User or any one of its behalf, and he will bear full responsibility for this.
To the extent that the Company provides and/or provided FOX LABS Services to the User and/or on its behalf, the User confirms that the Company may publish on the Site and/or in marketing and advertising materials, information about FOX LABS Services that the User received.
Upon submission of an Application, the User undertakes that he is authorized to submit the Application in connection with the project and that the submission of the Application and receipt of any of the FOX LABS Services does not infringe and/or violate the rights of any third party and or the law.
The use of the Site:
The User exempts the Company, including its representatives, employees, managers and those acting on its behalf, from any liability and/or obligation in connection with and/or relating to the use of any of the Services, including with the submission of an Application.
The Company may, in its exclusive discretion, cease all or some of the Site’s Services and/or make changes therein and/or require payment for them, and remove content and information from the site, in its exclusive discretion and without the need for prior notice to or the consent of the Users or any third party.
The User expressly understands and agrees that: a) Its use of the Service is at its sole risk. The Service is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. The Company expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
The User shall be exclusively liable for the use of and/or reliance on the information on the Site and the use of the Services. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by the User from the Company or through or from the Services shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Terms of Use.
The Services do not replace any independent consulting on behalf of the Users as to legal, business, financial, tax, and other related matters concerning the project and\or the Services. The User understands, acknowledges and agrees that it is its own responsibility to obtain independent advice with respect to receiving any of the Company Services.
The User undertakes to use the Site and the Services in accordance with the requirements of any law, subject to this Terms of Use, and to avoid any damage to the Company and/or third parties.
The User undertakes not to directly and/or indirectly cause and/or contribute to the causation of, in the course of browsing the Site or using the Services, by his conduct, acts and omissions, any prejudice to and/or breach of any contractual rights, proprietary rights, copyright, moral rights, trade secrets, trademarks, patents and not infringe third parties rights.
The User undertakes not to violate the provisions of any law in the course of browsing the Site or using the Services and not provide any materials or any content that violates or infringes on the rights of others, any false, misleading or illegal content, any content that encourages and/or assists in committing an act according to the law.
The User undertakes not to prejudice the Company or other users of the Site or the web in general, and in such context to avoid any damage to or encumbrance of their ability to use the Services provided by the Site and to totally refrain from collecting information about them.
The User undertakes not to participate in and/or contribute to the transfer of information and/or the referral and/or creation of links to infringing websites and/or infringement of the proprietary rights of third parties.
The User undertakes to completely refrain from any attempt to collect data about the Site, including by technological means or other means aimed at scanning, copying and/or retrieving, to refrain from making and/or causing any change to the Site not to interfere with the source code of the Site.
The User undertakes to refrain from acts and/or omissions that hinder the activity of the Site, including by using viruses, worms and other harmful applications.
The User acknowledges that the Company may use all the means at its disposal under the law against a User who has breached the provisions of these Terms of Use, including the transfer of his details to third parties.
Intellectual property
All the rights in the Site, the content, the information and the Services relating to the Site belong to the Company including developments, graphic designs, texts, pictures and trademarks, databases, software, applications and codes.
The User acknowledges and agrees that the content contained in or information presented to the Users through the Site is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorized by the Company, the User agrees not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on the Site's content, information, Services or software, in whole or in part.
It is clarified that the Company does not claim ownership of the information, data, text, links other and materials that the User provides to the Company in connection with the FOX LABS Services (including those provided in the Application). The User hereby grants the Company and any one of its behalf permission to use such information, data, text, links and other materials solely for the purpose of providing the Services and/or for examining the possibility of providing the Services.
Data and Privacy Policy:
Business information provided to the company by the user: As part of submitting an Application for FOX LABS services, the user will be required to provide information about his project, such as project description, project stages, competitors and brand promise. The user declares that he is authorized to provide this information to the company and the provision of this information does not violate the provisions of any law and/or agreement. Such information will be used by the Company or any one of its behalf solely for the purpose of examining the possibility of providing FOX LABS services and/or as part of the provision of these services.
Personal information provided to the company by the User: As part of submitting an Application for FOX LABS services, the user will also be required to provide details of a contact person, such as name, email and phone number. If the User has provided details of a third party, he hereby declares that he is authorized to do so and that he has obtained the consent of such third party (if needed). The User is not required by law to provide the information, but without providing the necessary details, the Company will be unable to provide FOX LABS services to the User. The User may request at any time its deletion from the Company's database.
Information collected about the User while browsing the Site: the Company can collect information while the Users browsing the Site. The information collected is statistical in nature and does not identify the Users personally and is intended to improve the activity of the Site and the services offered on it.
The Company shall not transfer personal information, insofar as such information identify personally the User and\or any other data subject, except in the following cases:
When the data subject has expressly authorized the Company to provide such details and/or information to third parties.
If the Company is legally obliged to furnish such information to a third party, or if the Company is served with a judicial order directing it to furnish such details or the information.
In the event that the data subject or anyone of his behalf breach and/or try to breach the Terms of Use and/or any agreement with the Company, or in the event that the data subject or anyone of his behalf act contrary to the law on the Site.
In the event of any dispute, claim or legal proceedings between the data subject or anyone of his behalf and the Company.
In the event that the Company believes that the furnishing of the information is necessary to prevent significant damage being caused to the data subject or anyone of his behalf or a third party.
The Company may transfer such information to other related companies, provided that they use this information in accordance with this privacy policy.
In the event that the activity of the Site is integrated with or transferred to another corporation, including because of an internal re-organization in Fox group or because of a merger with another corporation – it will of course be possible to transfer to the relevant new corporation a copy of the information that has been stored about you on the site, provided that such corporation acts in accordance with the principles of this privacy policy.
Cookies: The Company may use "cookies" for the purpose of day-to-day and proper operation of the website, including, for the purpose of collecting statistical information about the users' use of the website and for information security purposes. You can avoid creating cookies by changing the settings in your browser. To do this, you can use the browser help file.
The Company ensures that its systems and websites are managed at a proper level of information security. It must be understood that while the information security limits the risks of the Company’s computers and websites being hacked, they do not afford complete and unconditional immunity against hacking.
According to article 13 of the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981, every person is entitled to inspect any information about him kept in a database. A person who has inspected information about him that he has found to be incorrect, incomplete, unclear or out of date may apply to the database owner for the information to be amended or deleted. Such an application may be directed to ________________ or through regular mail to: P.O.B 76, Hermon 6, Air-Port City, Israel, 7019990.
Limitation of Liability and Indemnity:
The User understands and agrees that the Company or any one of its behalf shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, resulting from: (i) the use or the inability to use the Services; (ii) any agreement, understanding or relationship the User enters into with any third party whom it has been put in contact through the Company; or (iii) any other matter relating to the Services.
The User agrees to indemnify and hold the Company, and its affiliates, officers, agents, or other partners, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of information, data, text, links other materials that the User provides to the Company in connection with the FOX LABS Services (including those provided in the Application), the use of the Services by the User, the violation of the Terms of Use or of any rights of another by the user.
Additional terms
Sole jurisdiction in respect of any matter and dispute relating to the use of the Site, including the Services provided in connection with the Site, shall rest with the competent court in Tel Aviv, in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel.
If it is determined that any article of the Terms of Use lacks legal effect and/or is unenforceable, it shall be deemed to have been replaced by a legal and enforceable article the provisions of which most closely resembles the intention of the original article.
These Terms of Use shall apply for the benefit of the Company and those acting in its name. The Company may transfer and/or assign these Terms of Use and/or the rights and/or obligations included herein, fully or partially, to third party, including a parent company, subsidiary or related company, by way of transfer, sale, vesting, merger and more, without the need for prior notice or the User’s consent.
Any waiver, postponement or extension by the Company vis-à-vis the User shall not constitute a precedent, shall not operate to the Company’s detriment and shall not be deemed a waiver of its rights pursuant hereto.